Presented at Northwest Voice: The Art and Science of the Performing Voice

When I asked my advisor if I should apply to present at Northwest Voice, she told me she loves this conference and that I should go even if I’m not accepted. I’m so glad I took her word for it — and that I was accepted to present!

The 2024 conference was absolutely packed with voice science heroes, and next year will be just as star-studded. If you’re a singer, voice teacher, vocal clinician, or just a nerd like me, you’ve got to check it out.

A few highlights were the mind blowing presentations on neuroscience, cognition, and the voice, a game-show style panel of laryngologists (who knew voice doctors were so hilarious?), and watching master voice teachers and speech-language pathologists work their magic live. Oh, and if you’ve never sung karaoke with a room full of voice scientists and professional singers, I definitely recommend it.

I have to say I was a little nervous to present in-person for the first time, and even more nervous to present on rough vocal effects in a room full of doctors and classically trained singers. But the crowd was up for anything, and the wonderful organizers Kari Ragan and Al Merati made me feel right at home. Feeling like you belong counts for a lot.

I’m looking forward to returning to Seattle next year!


Presented at APME 2024: Los Angeles


Presented at the APME Grad Student Conference